Monday, May 25, 2020

The Movie Pleasantville - 1281 Words

The film Pleasantville shows the changes in American society over the past 50 years by placing two teenagers into the Pleasantville show, which was from the 50’s. The movie depicts how there is no longer the â€Å"American Dream† and no longer a perfect way of life and the changes the world has made. The world that the teenagers come from is filled with sex, drugs, money, and is very different from the way the world was in which the Pleasantville Show took place in. Morals and values have changed in the people and in society that the teenagers came from and shows it would be impossible to return back to the kind of life style the world had in the 50’s. In the early 1950’s to late 1960’s the American Dream is what everyone strived for.†¦show more content†¦David and Jennifer are zapped into the 50’s Pleasantville show and become the son and daughter. While in the Pleasantville show, David and Jennifer cause some trouble in the town and begin to change the views of the other students as well as their own. David and Jennifer show other students that they can ask questions and that they can make decisions on their own. You are able to see how people and environment are influenced by David and Jennifer by how color is added to people and things around them. Some embrace the changes as others fight against any change. As more people become influenced by David and Jennifer’s ideas the more color is added to the show, which is depicting how certain changes can have a ripple effect. As more people accepted the changes, the more color was added to the show and the changes became their new normal and life wasn’t so defined as it had been and there were a lot more choices and acceptable scenarios of life. In the world we live in today we understand that experiencing different things is OK. The black and white in the film is represented by a more traditionalist value which is how most of the world was. It was when people’s personalities were kept hidden from the rest of the world and even family members. Later in the Pleasantville show, some characters were starting to change colorShow MoreRelatedThe Movie Pleasantville 1541 Words   |  7 PagesPleasantville is a movie where significant change occurs based on the theories of social change. In the movie, the TV show Pleasantville is set in the 1950’s and everything and everyone in that show is in black and white. And being that they’re set in the 1950’s the have the same outdated morals, values and beliefs that are associated with 1950’s culture. However, the town of Pleasantville slowly but surely turns into colour when they go against their societal norms and beliefs and have sex, readRead MoreAna lysis Of The Movie Pleasantville 1325 Words   |  6 Pagesfriendly. 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